Building Lifeline Opportunities For Communities

In January 2018, we held another annual event to give the women a platform and opportunity to share their experiences and growth. As part of the training session, women were given certificates of participation. The event was attended the local government officials and councillors.
The women and other members of the community take great interest in schooling and education. The rural areas always endure tough economic conditions and these women are testament to surviving challenges. We remain deeply committed to improving educational provision in rural areas and with your support the women’s dramatization can go some way to sustain and develop their communities.
In this way the drama provided pedagogical value, the women immersed themselves in the roles, the concentration on what they were doing, what they thought, how they felt while performing – all helped to cultivate their mind and make them more creative.
This past event in January 2019, was attended by members of the local community, and visitors from oversees. This year the event took place in the village where the women prepared some of the produce grown in their gardens. The women have written a drama which is showcased at various locations. Some have participated in tailoring and computing courses.